Monday, May 2, 2011

The Royal Wedding

There was this little wedding ceremony that dominated the attention of the media and indeed the entire country for the past 5 months since it was announced. That being the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The powers that be have tried to redub Kate as Katherine, but somehow Kate has stuck.

At last the big day has arrived. Tony and I debated whether or not to go down to the Mall to watch the events in person, but the expected crowds of over 1 million kept us at home where we could watch it from the comforts of our own couch.

It was wonderful to see the excitement of everyone as the fateful hour drew nearer and nearer. The ceremony was down at Westminster Abbey, and the participants were all driven in cars along the mall to the church.

All the royals arrive dressed in either their Military Dress Uniforms or in their very best Outrageous Formal Hats. The queen was dressed all in yellow, and her husband Prince Philip, who is 90, was dressed in full military wear. Prince William and Prince Harry were both in their uniforms.

There was so much speculation about what Kate's dress would look like, that I felt it would be anticlimactic when it was finally revealed, but nonetheless, it was beautiful and worth the wait. Much has been made comparing it to the dress Grace Kelly wore when as a commoner, she also married into royalty.

Prince William and Kate make a handsome couple, and I think represent to the British people a symbolic movement into the future for their nation.

The couple rode back to Buckingham Palace in a beautiful open-air horse drawn carriage. It was a wedding ripe with pagentry and fantasy.

An appropriate final view of the new Royal Couple was of them kissing on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. The hope and promise of a bright future.

Pepper didn't know what to make of all the craziness, but instead hid under the table.

There has been all kinds of merchandising of the wedding, and I have to admit being party to it. I had to have the Will and Kate Pie.

I have to admit that it hasn't topped my favorite pie list, but it was a good respectible pie.

I've had the beer. A nice golden beer.

I've bought the souvenir plate featuring pictures of Prince William and Kate. This will be our official plate from England.

I even found a recipe for the official alternative wedding cake (the groomsmen's cake), made at Prince William's request for the reception. It is a cake made with tons of dark chocolate and tea biscuits. I made it for our dessert that evening. Very rich and very tasty.

It's been a fun time to be here in London. That and we got a 4 day weekend out of it. . .

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