It's quite a process for getting the dogs to UK. Here's the basic steps, and they have to be done in this order.
1. The Dogs need to have an International Avid Chip installed. It is about the size of a grain of rice, but it allows
people to identify the dog as belonging to me and Tony.
2. They need to have a Rabies Booster shot administered to help to be sure they are immunized against Rabies. There is no Rabies in the UK, so they are very cautious about letting in animals that may or may not have Rabies hence this crazy process.
3. Wait one month.
4. After one month, the dogs go back to the vet for a bloodtest called a "titer". The Rabies Titer tests to make sure that they are immune to rabies. The bloodtest needs to be performed by a lab certified by the UK to perform the test.
We just received notification from our vet that the results came back positive, and that 6 months after the date of the bloodtest, June 30, that the dogs will be allowed to enter the UK. So now the dogs are waiting for the next few months until November 30, when at last they will be able to fly halfway around the world.
Quarantine has come a long way from what it once was. They used to put dogs in cages for 6 months, but now our dogs don't have to do anything different from their normal routine. They can still go to the dog park and daycare etc.