It's been a beautiful snowy and icy week. I expect that the Brits are quite tired of this weather however as it really messes up their transportation systems. I've enjoyed it. It makes for a a very pretty and unusual experience for this Angelino. The Canal by the apartment is frozen! and there are Icebergs floating around in it.

One morning on my bikeride to work, the roads were a bit icy, and when I stopped to take the above picture, a guy behind me hit a large patch of ice, slipped, and spun out. Thankfully, he was okay.

One good thing about dogs is that they get you up early. The bad thing about dogs is that they get you up early. My dogs rouse at 6:30 either in LA or in London, and want their walk. Jetlag never seemed to affect them by the way - they're always good to sleep.

This week, when I went to take the dogs for their morning walk, I was treated to 1.5 " of fresh snow. It was beautiful, and there was a wonderful quiet about walking around the streets with it gently falling. Just beautiful.\
The only bad thing about snow today, is that in London, it will be ice tomorrow. . .
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