Tony drank some wine and took 2 sleeping pills, and arrived in London nauseous. I helped him over to some chairs and got him some mineral water. This wasn't the arrival I was hoping for, but it was great to finally have him here nonetheless.
We took a cab over to the quarantine area, which is quite a ways away. It is also called the Animal Reception Centre. After a little while, a truck pulled up with the Brittish Airways logo on it and a sticker warning people that there were Live Animals on board.
We knew immediately that this was the truck carrying Bentley and Pepper. We had to then wait for about 2 hours while they inspected our puppies and eventually would give them permission to enter the country. I had booked a Minivan (in British they are called "People Carriers") from Addison Lee to pick us up, and it arrived right on time.
A little while later, all of the pain of waiting (we were subjected to a rerun of Murder She Wrote NOOOOOO!!!) , all was forgiven when out bounded Bentley and Pepper. The first stop was the conveniently located grass lawn out front. Pepper peed immediately. She didn't recognize me at first, and it wasn't until we were in the van on the way home that she suddenly realized who I was, and she jumped right up into my lap and started licking my face like crazy.
Re: Pepper not recognizing you right away, perhaps Tony wasn't the only one nauseous from the flight?