Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring 2011

Nothing is more important to the British than the return of Spring after a long cold winter. And nothing is nicer to me than the realization that it isn't quite so cold and dark when I take the dogs to the park at 7:30 in the morning. That first morning when suddenly it just isn't that dark is absolutely wonderful.

And it just gets better and better as the sun rises earlier and earlier until suddenly, it isn't just light, it was actually sunny and the park is bathed in a beautiful orange glow as the newly sprouted leaves and flowers return to further enforce natures announcement that spring has arrived.

I even think the dogs realize the change. I've caught them sniffing the occasional flower.

As soon as the squirrels begin venturing out of their nests, they definitely know spring has arrived.

Even down in Soho, the parks spring to life as the weather gets warmer. They flower beds sprout forth the most amazing tulips that are so colorful, they seem to fool cameras into producing images that just look artificial.

On a beautiful day, I think the indoor restaurants struggle to find customers as everyone heads outdoors to relish the sunshine and the simple joy of sitting in a park for a picnic.

This last week, instead of eating in at our favorite pizza place, a group of us ordered takeout pizza from them and headed to the park. Surrounded by such stunning floral beauty, it made it difficult to return to work.

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